English versions

We’re pleased to make available Update 2025, 'SHOW ME the evidence' features as well as the Global Evidence Commission report. The infographics from our updates and foundational report are also available for download (in PowerPoint format) in the tables below.

Contents from Update 2025

Update 2025 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2024 McMaster University. Adaptations of this work can be shared provided it is done with the same or compatible license. The work can be copied, distributed and displayed for non-commercial purposes.

0.0 In Update 2024 we made the case that momentum was building with each of our implementation priorities, and this proved to be particularly the case for our second implementation priority PPT

0.1 Our Implementation Council will conclude its work 95 organizational partners strong, and drawn from 22 countries in every part of the world and from many global and regional bodies PPT

0.2 Four events in 2024 culminated in a breakthrough, namely an intention to fund an ‘Evidence Synthesis Infrastructure Collaborative’ (or ESIC) PPT

0.3 A consensus statement helped to consolidate the case for change PPT

1.0 Additional reports, journal reporting, complementary announcements and statements were all part of a flurry of activity leading up to and following up on the ESIC announcement PPT

1.1 ESIC planning process is adopting a collective-impact approach PPT

2.0 Timely demand-driven evidence-support units operating within national (and local) evidence-support systems will now be able to leverage the actionable insights, living evidence syntheses, and supporting infrastructure made possible through ESIC PPT

2.1 Those supporting government policymakers will now be able to access global evidence and then very rapidly provide highly contextualized insights from the global evidence alongside insights from what has been learned from national (and local) evidence PPT

2.2 Signs of building momentum with implementation priority 1 are still there, but we’re not seeing commitments to formalize and strengthen national (and local) evidence-support systems PPT

2.3 Some of the signs of building momentum with implementation priority 3 are still there, but we’re not seeing commitments to truly put evidence at the centre of everyday life PPT

3.0 Conclusion PPT

‘SHOW ME the evidence’ features

We’re pleased to make available the ‘SHOW ME the evidence’ features, which has also been co-published in five leading journals:
>> Campbell Collaboration
>> Cochrane
>> Collaboration for Environmental Evidence
>> Guidelines International Network (GIN)
>> JBI.

SHOW ME the evidence:
Features of an approach to reliably deliver research evidence to those who need it

  1. Support systems locally that use many forms of research evidence to help address local priorities
  2. Harmonized efforts globally that make it easier to learn from others around the world
  3. Open-science approaches that make it the norm to build on what others have done
  4. Waste-reduction efforts that make the most of investments in evidence support and in research
  5. Measured communications that clarify what we know from existing evidence and with what caveats
  6. Equity and efficiency in all aspects of this work

Citation: Lavis JN, Grimshaw JM, Stewart R, Elliott J, Moy W, Meerpohl JJ on behalf of the contributing authors. SHOW ME the evidence: Features of an approach to reliably deliver research evidence to those who need it. Hamilton: Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges; 14 November 2024.

Contents from Update 2024

Update 2024 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2024 McMaster University. Adaptations of this work can be shared provided it is done with the same or compatible license. The work can be copied, distributed and displayed for non-commercial purposes.

0.0 Momentum is building for a step-change improvement in each implementation priority, and more generally in how we use evidence to address societal challenges PPT

0.1 Our Implementation Council is now drawn from every part of the world and from many global and regional bodies PPT

1.0 Signs of building momentum with implementation priority 1: Formalize and strengthen domestic evidence-support systems PPT

1.1 Evidence-support system PPT

1.2 Possible ingredients in timely, demand-driven, equity-sensitive evidence products PPT

2.0 Signs of building momentum with implementation priority 2: Enhance and leverage the global evidence architecture PPT

2.1 Global evidence architecture (or at least an evidence-user view into it) PPT

3.0 Signs of building momentum with implementation priority 3: Put evidence at the centre of everyday life PPT

3.1 Ways to put evidence at the centre of everyday life PPT

4.0 Key events contributing to breakthroughs PPT

5.0 Conclusion PPT

6.0 Watch our playlist – videos from the launch of Update 2024

Contents from Update 2023

Update 2023 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2023 McMaster University. Adaptations of this work can be shared provided it is done with the same or compatible license. The work can be copied, distributed and displayed for non-commercial purposes.

0.0 Introduction PPT
0.1 Respond to decision-makers’ questions with the right mix of forms of evidence (and match the forms of domestic evidence to the right step in the decision-making process) PPT
0.2 Respond to decision-makers’ questions with the right mix of forms of evidence (versus select forms of evidence that get a lot of attention now) and combine domestic evidence (what has been learned in our country) and global evidence (what has been learned from around the world, including how it varies by groups and contexts) PPT
0.3 Another way of approaching the use of evidence: Embed evidence in cycles of rapid learning and improvement PPT
0.4 Use best evidence (vs other things that get a lot of attention now), and the specific example of expert panels PPT
1.0  Conducting a rapid evidence-support system assessment (RESSA) starts with a solid understanding of what a domestic evidence-support system is, and how it differs from research and innovation systems PPT
1.1 The potential features of an evidence-support system that we’re looking for and what we’re hearing PPT
2.0 Improving coordination among evidence producers (both global and domestic) is an important place to start PPT
2.1 One possible model for improving coordination: Start by better connecting global and domestic PPT
2.2 One possible model for improving coordination: Use funding as a lever for change (better address domestic evidence needs with money saved from research waste) PPT
3.0 Context for and challenges with putting evidence at the centre for everyday life PPT
3.1 These are early days in understanding ‘what works’ in putting evidence at the centre for everyday life PPT
Global Evidence Commission recommendations grouped into the three implementation priorities PPT

Watch our playlist – videos from our commissioners and colleagues addressing each of our implementation priorities

Contents from the report

The 2022 Global Evidence Commission report (including executive summary, separate chapters and sections) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2022 McMaster University. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be adapted in any way without the priori written permission of the publisher. 

1.0 Introduction PDF | PPT
1.1 Desirable attributes of commissions PDF | PPT
1.2 Commissioners PDF | PPT
1.3 Commissioner terms of reference PDF | PPT
1.4 How the commission builds on and complements past work PDF | PPT
1.5 Connection to COVID-END PDF | PPT
1.6 Timeline of key developments in using evidence to address societal challenges PDF | PPT
1.7 Equity considerations PDF | PPT
1.8 What success looks like PDF | PPT
1.9 References PDF
2.1 Ways of looking at challenges PDF | PPT
2.2 Example of a transition in how a societal challenge is seen PDF | PPT
2.3 Ways of addressing challenges PDF | PPT
2.4 Examples of approaches to prioritizing challenges to address PDF | PPT
2.5 Global-commission reports by challenge type PDF | PPT
2.6 References PDF
3.1 Steps in deciding whether and how to take action PDF | PPT
3.2 Four types of decision-maker and how each may approach decisions  PDF | PPT
3.3 Government policymakers and the context for their use of evidence PDF | PPT
3.4 Organizational leaders and the context for their use of evidence PDF | PPT
3.5 Professionals and the context for their use of evidence PDF | PPT
3.6 Citizens and the context for their use of evidence PDF | PPT
3.7 Ways that evidence can be used in decision-making PDF | PPT
3.8 Global-commission reports by decision-maker type PDF | PPT
3.9 References PDF
4.1 Forms in which evidence is typically encountered in decision-making  PDF | PPT
4.2 Definitions of forms in which evidence is typically encountered  PDF | PPT
4.3 Matching decision-related questions to forms of evidence PDF | PPT
4.4 Interplay of local and global evidence PDF | PPT
4.5 Distinguishing high from low quality evidence PDF | PPT
4.6 Coverage, quality and recency of evidence syntheses PDF | PPT
4.7 Living evidence products PDF | PPT
4.8  Best evidence vs other things (and how to get the most of other things) PDF | PPT
4.9 Contexts that shape how evidence is viewed PDF | PPT
4.10 Indigenous rights and ways of knowing PDF | PPT
4.11 Misinformation and infodemics PDF | PPT
4.12 Weaknesses in a health-research system PDF | PPT
4.13 Weaknesses in many COVID-19 evidence-support systems PDF | PPT
4.14 Features of an ideal national evidence infrastructure PDF | PPT
4.15 Global-commission reports by form of evidence PDF | PPT
4.16 Annex to section 4.5 PDF
4.17 References PDF
5.1 Types of evidence intermediaries PDF | PPT
5.2 Characteristics of evidence intermediaries PDF | PPT
5.3 Strategies used by evidence intermediaries PDF | PPT
5.4 Conditions that can help and hinder evidence intermediaries PDF | PPT
5.5 UN-system entities’ use of evidence synthesis in their work PDF | PPT
5.6 References PDF
6.1 Global public goods needed to support evidence use PDF | PPT
6.2 Equitably distributed capacities needed to support evidence use PDF PPT
6.3 References PDF
7.1 Insights from an analysis of global-commission recommendations PDF | PPT
7.2 Evidence Commission recommendations PDF | PPT
7.3 Annex to section 7.1 PDF
7.4 References PDF
8.1 Methods used to inform commissioner deliberations and recommendations PDF | PPT
8.2 Commissioner biographies PDF
8.3 Secretariat PDF | PPT
8.4 Funders PDF | PPT
8.5 Commissioner and secretariat affiliations and interests PDF
8.6 Advisors and other acknowledgements PDF | PPT
8.7 Timeline PDF | PPT
8.8 Annex to appendix 8.1 PDF
8.9 Annex to appendix 8.5 PDF
8.10 References PDF

A print version of the report can be purchased on Amazon, through the platforms accessible from your country (such as Amazon.comAmazon.com.ukAmazon.ca, etc.).

A summary of the key points from our 2022 report and Update 2023 have been compiled into a book (in Chinese) by Lanzhou University. A PDF version is available for download, or you can contact the Centre for Evidence-Based Social Science of Lanzhou University (by email xzsk2019@163.com or WeChat) to get a print version of the book.

If you have any questions about these materials, please email the Global Evidence Commission secretariat at evidencecommission@mcmaster.ca) citing the section, your name and affiliation and your comments.

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