Maureen Smith

Citizen leader championing the meaningful engagement of patients and citizens in conducting research and using it in their decision-making

(Last updated during their term as a Commissioner - January 2022)

Maureen Smith is a citizen leader committed to evidence-based medicine and patient/citizen engagement in research. Her commitment stems from her lived experience with the health system subsequent to a rare disease diagnosis in childhood. Maureen is the chair of Cochrane’s Consumer Network Executive and is involved in several global Cochrane projects and advisory committees. In Canada, she is the chair of Ontario’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) SUPPORT Unit’s Patient Partner Working Group and sits on the board of directors. She is also a member of SPOR’s Evidence Alliance. She is a patient member on the Ontario Committee to Evaluate Drugs since 2014 and the Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee for the past four years. Most recently, Maureen became the citizen-partnership lead for the COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-making (COVID-END), a global evidence network to support decision making. She also brought the consumer perspective as a co-investigator on the e-COVID-19 living map of recommendations global initiative. Previously, Maureen served on the Executive of the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders and Rare Disease International.


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