Clémence Ongolo Zogo

Queen Elizabeth Scholars in Strengthening Health and Social Systems (2019)

Clémence is a Cameroonian graduate student currently pursuing a Masters in Health Research Methodology at McMaster University. She is enrolled in the Health Services Research specialization stream under the supervision of Dr. Lawrence Mbuagbaw. She also holds an Honours Bachelor degree in Health Sciences from the University of Ottawa.

Since 2017, Clémence has supported the Francophone hub of the Cochrane African Network as a research assistant on projects related to the use of evidence in decision-making and guidelines for the prevention and treatment of priority conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is with renewed enthusiasm that she has chosen to continue in this field of research as she pursues her MSc. Her thesis focuses on the development and use of tools for contextualized research synthesis to better understand the burden of emergent diseases, identify research gaps and assess country-specific barriers and facilitators to knowledge translation and implementation in low-to-middle income countries like Cameroon.

As an incoming Queen Elizabeth Scholar, she intends to use the experience and skills obtained from exposure to the Health Systems Evidence (HSE) and Social Systems Evidence (SSE) databases at the McMaster Health Forum to develop a health research database for Cameroon. The database is intended as a support tool for health system reforms and ongoing knowledge-to-action endeavours in the country.

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