How can the Global Commission on Evidence report support Brazil in addressing social challenges?

The Brazilian Coalition for Evidence will host the webinar "How can the Global Commission on Evidence report support Brazil in addressing social challenges?"

Representatives from the Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges (Professor John Lavis - McMaster University), government (Tamille Dias - EvEx/ENAP) and academia (Professor Ulysses Panisset - UFMG) will debate how the report can support the Brazilian context.  The speakers will discuss successes and vulnerabilities in the use of research evidence at a global level, pointing out ways to create the capacities, opportunities and motivation to use them in responding to societal challenges, and putting into practice the structures and processes to support them. 

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We wish you a restful holiday season and a healthy 2024. We look forward to continuing our work to support health and social systems, and those supporting evidence-informed policymaking, in Ontario, a… Read more