Want to better understand how the health and social systems work and how you can better advocate for changes that would improve these systems for you and your family? Enhance your knowledge with one of our free courses for citizens:

Finding and using research evidence: A guide for citizens

In this free online course, you’ll be provided with solutions to overcome the most commonly cited frustrations people have when trying to access research evidence. Prepared by the McMaster Health Forum with support from the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit, the course is now available online as a set of eight videos:

Here are helpful resources that are drawn on in the course:

Don’t miss the most important resource for citizen-targeted evidence about healthy aging:

Understanding how to navigate the health system

Knowing how your health system works will better you to navigate the system, identify opportunities to make things better, and advocate for changes that you’d like to see. This free online course describes the 'building blocks' of Ontario’s health system as well as how those building blocks are used to provide care in the province in different ways (e.g., by sector, condition, treatment, population). While Ontario is the example, these principles are useful to understanding health systems other jurisdictions in Canada and internationally.

Prepared by the McMaster Health Forum with support from the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit, the course is now available online as a set of six videos:

Here are helpful resources that are drawn on in the course:

Don’t miss the most important resource for citizen-targeted evidence about healthy aging:

Masterclass on patient-oriented research

The Forum’s masterclass was designed to prepare future champions for the conduct and use of patient-oriented research and future mentors to others becoming involved in the conduct and use of patient-oriented research. While we are not currently planning any sessions for the masterclass on patient-oriented research, you can access all of the course material to learn more about patient-oriented research.

Pushing the problems of aging to our 90s subject of public talk

Oct 30, 2014, 08:24 AM
Title : Pushing the problems of aging to our 90s subject of public talk
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A leading authority from the United Kingdom on how to use research evidence to push the problems of aging to our 90s will be the speaker at a public talk on Tuesday, November 11, in the atrium at McMaster Innovation Park.

Sir Muir Gray, a medical doctor who has extensive experience in the field of public health and using scientific knowledge to guide decisions about healthcare, will draw upon more than 40 years of working in the medical field and his recent experience of turning 70 in his talk about how to prevent at least some of the problems of aging striking us too soon. His talk, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., is open to the public and will be webcast live for those who cannot attend in person.

Gray is passionate about the need to empower consumers to make informed decisions about health, which is demonstrated through his work on The 70 Plus Health Programme, and through two draft publications he recently completed, on the science of aging and how to manage your health in your later years.

The 70 Plus program is designed to support people who are 70 or older to maintain and improve their health. The program is based on principles about aging that are based on strong scientific evidence and include:

  • biological aging alone has little effect until someone is in their 90s;
  • people aged 70 and older are still able to increase their strength, stamina, suppleness and skills; and
  • at age 70, there is still plenty people can do to prevent and postpone common diseases.

Gray is currently chief knowledge officer and director of the National Health Service (NHS) National Knowledge Service in England. He is also director of Better Value Healthcare Ltd., an initiative focused on developing programs to get more value from healthcare resources.

Gray has held various senior positions in the areas of screening, public health and information management.  He was made a knight in 2005 for the development of the fetal, maternal and child screening program in the U.K., and the creation of the National Library for Health.

The public talk has been organized by the McMaster Health Forum as part of its knowledge translation enterprise with the Labarge Optimal Aging Initiative, and is supported by the MedicAlert Foundation of Canada.

The free public talk is open to everyone. To access the live webcast, click here after 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 11.

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