Want to better understand how the health and social systems work and how you can better advocate for changes that would improve these systems for you and your family? Enhance your knowledge with one of our free courses for citizens:

Finding and using research evidence: A guide for citizens

In this free online course, you’ll be provided with solutions to overcome the most commonly cited frustrations people have when trying to access research evidence. Prepared by the McMaster Health Forum with support from the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit, the course is now available online as a set of eight videos:

Here are helpful resources that are drawn on in the course:

Don’t miss the most important resource for citizen-targeted evidence about healthy aging:

Understanding how to navigate the health system

Knowing how your health system works will better you to navigate the system, identify opportunities to make things better, and advocate for changes that you’d like to see. This free online course describes the 'building blocks' of Ontario’s health system as well as how those building blocks are used to provide care in the province in different ways (e.g., by sector, condition, treatment, population). While Ontario is the example, these principles are useful to understanding health systems other jurisdictions in Canada and internationally.

Prepared by the McMaster Health Forum with support from the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit, the course is now available online as a set of six videos:

Here are helpful resources that are drawn on in the course:

Don’t miss the most important resource for citizen-targeted evidence about healthy aging:

Masterclass on patient-oriented research

The Forum’s masterclass was designed to prepare future champions for the conduct and use of patient-oriented research and future mentors to others becoming involved in the conduct and use of patient-oriented research. While we are not currently planning any sessions for the masterclass on patient-oriented research, you can access all of the course material to learn more about patient-oriented research.

McMaster launches student mental health and well-being strategy

Feb 25, 2015, 10:12 AM
Title : McMaster launches student mental health and well-being strategy
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The McMaster Health Forum congratulates McMaster University on the launch of the new Student Mental Health & Well-Being Strategy and website.

“Mental health is gaining recognition around the world as an issue with serious personal and societal implications,” said John Lavis, Director of the McMaster Health Forum. “We’re proud not only to see McMaster University acting on this issue, but to have contributed to the dialogue informing this strategy.”

In April 2013, the Forum hosted a student-led stakeholder dialogue ‘Addressing Student Mental Health Needs at McMaster University’ that explored ways to better support students struggling with mental health issues. Funded in part through Forward with Integrity*, and organized by undergraduate students Sherna Tamboly and Emily Milko under the Forum’s leadership, the dialogue brought together 21 stakeholders from across campus including academic and student leaders, mental health service providers, students and family members, leaders from other universities and a mental health researcher.

Following the 2013 Forum dialogue, the Daily News reported that “Providing students with supports around mental health has long been a priority at McMaster.” In the words of Sean Van Koughnett, Associate Vice-President (Students and Learning) and Dean of Students, one of the goals was to “develop a campus-wide mental health strategy that will focus on the co-ordination of our mental health programs, policies and research, as well as on the identification of any areas for improvement. The research undertaken in the dialogue will help inform this important work.”

Many of the participants’ views on next steps identified in the dialogue, including those of Dr. Catherine Munn (co-lead of the new Strategy), have been implemented in the Student Mental Health & Well-Being Strategy, including:

  • A web-based portal to aggregate all mental health services at McMaster
  • An awareness campaign to reduce stigma around mental illness and to encourage students to seek help early on
  • Increased efforts to coordinate and integrate existing mental health supports on campus
  • The development of a campus-wide mental health strategy

“Mental health and mental health illness is something that really affects almost everyone at some point in time, whether it’s themselves, friends or family members,” says Emily Milko. “It’s often at university that you really start to see some of these issues manifest. Sometimes it’s the stress of being at university, combined with the prevalence of mental health illnesses surfacing at that age.”

The Forum’s mission is to harness the best available evidence, convene concerned citizens and influential thinkers and doers, and prepare action-oriented leaders to meet pressing health challenges creatively.

“We believe that our dialogue process has big impacts, but we’re always excited to watch them as they emerge, particularly in this case when it’s so close to home,” said Lavis.

Watch interviews with 2013 dialogue participants discussing the importance of developing an overarching strategy and building on existing resources in order to address student mental health needs efficiently and effectively.

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