Want to better understand how the health and social systems work and how you can better advocate for changes that would improve these systems for you and your family? Enhance your knowledge with one of our free courses for citizens:

Finding and using research evidence: A guide for citizens

In this free online course, you’ll be provided with solutions to overcome the most commonly cited frustrations people have when trying to access research evidence. Prepared by the McMaster Health Forum with support from the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit, the course is now available online as a set of eight videos:

Here are helpful resources that are drawn on in the course:

Don’t miss the most important resource for citizen-targeted evidence about healthy aging:

Understanding how to navigate the health system

Knowing how your health system works will better you to navigate the system, identify opportunities to make things better, and advocate for changes that you’d like to see. This free online course describes the 'building blocks' of Ontario’s health system as well as how those building blocks are used to provide care in the province in different ways (e.g., by sector, condition, treatment, population). While Ontario is the example, these principles are useful to understanding health systems other jurisdictions in Canada and internationally.

Prepared by the McMaster Health Forum with support from the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit, the course is now available online as a set of six videos:

Here are helpful resources that are drawn on in the course:

Don’t miss the most important resource for citizen-targeted evidence about healthy aging:

Masterclass on patient-oriented research

The Forum’s masterclass was designed to prepare future champions for the conduct and use of patient-oriented research and future mentors to others becoming involved in the conduct and use of patient-oriented research. While we are not currently planning any sessions for the masterclass on patient-oriented research, you can access all of the course material to learn more about patient-oriented research.

McMaster Health Forum to host workshop on finding and using research evidence

Dec 22, 2014, 15:23 PM
Title : McMaster Health Forum to host workshop on finding and using research evidence
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Registration is now open for a five-day training workshop that will teach policymakers, stakeholders and researchers how to find and make use of research evidence in their work to reform, renew or strengthen health systems, and to get cost-effective programs, services and drugs to those who need them.

The winter session of the ‘Finding and Using Research Evidence to Inform Decision-making in Health Systems and Organizations’ workshop will be held from February 17-21 at McMaster University. Registration is open until January 31.

The training workshop offered by the McMaster Health Forum is a complement to the online version of the course, and is designed for those who wish to master the skills needed to find the most reliable research evidence and to use it to inform and influence decisions about how the various parts of a health system function.

The workshop will require participants to complete the online course before travelling to McMaster for five days of interactive workshops led by Forum Director John Lavis, who has conducted nearly 100 training workshops in more than 30 countries with health system policymakers, stakeholders and researchers, on a variety of topics. Lavis will be assisted by Kaelan Moat, Lead of Health Systems Evidence and Learning for the Forum.

The cost of the workshop (which includes the online course) is $2,480 (not including personal travel and accommodation expenses).

The finding and using research course was launched by the Forum early in 2014, and approximately 500 participants from a range of health system policy and stakeholder organizations (in addition to trainees interested in careers in health policy) have already completed the online course.

The workshop is now open for registration by individuals who wish to take it on their own. Download the registration form now.

The Forum is also interested in working with organizations whose staff could benefit from the online course alone, or in combination with the week-long training workshop. Organizations are invited to contact the Forum directly to discuss options, at hslearn@mcmaster.ca.

For more information on the McMaster Health Forum or its course offerings, visit www.healthsystemslearning.org.

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