Tereza Zetko

Queen Elizabeth Scholars in Strengthening Health Systems (2018)

Tereza is an undergraduate student in the Bachelor of Health Sciences program. Through her work with McMaster’s Education Department and the McMaster Student Union, Tereza has gained an appreciation for evidence-informed decision-making processes convening various stakeholders and considering local applicability. She is interested in initiatives relating to and/or combining health policy and health economics that seek to reduce regional and global health inequities.

As an outgoing Queen Elizabeth Scholar, Tereza will be travelling to Selangor, Malaysia to work with the Institute for Health Systems Research under the Ministry of Health. During her internship, she will be focusing on policy evaluation of non-communicable diseases’ prevention and control in Malaysia as well as on the country’s primary healthcare delivery systems. She hopes to learn more about the relationships between research evidence, policy, and practices as well as their dependence on cultural context.

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