Kathy Huang

Queen Elizabeth Scholars in Strengthening Health Systems (2018)

Kathy is an undergraduate student in the Bachelor of Health Sciences program at McMaster University, specializing in Global Health. After working extensively with vulnerable youth and elderly populations, she has developed diverse interests in how policy can be used to reduce poverty, engage local communities and better the quality of direct care provided in long-term care settings. Kathy’s role as a research assistant at the McMaster Health Forum Impact Lab has further spurred her curiosity in how to effectively integrate research evidence in decision-making processes.

As an outgoing Queen Elizabeth Scholar, she will be travelling to South Africa to intern at the University of Johannesburg’s Africa Centre for Evidence (ACE). Kathy’s project will focus on producing various evidence syntheses in collaboration with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). Through this experience, Kathy hopes to deepen her understanding of how rigorous research programs can inform system level change at the intersection of environmental policy and health outcomes.

Contact information

McMaster Health Forum’s Impact Lab
1280 Main St West, CRL-209
Hamilton, ON Canada L8S 4K1