Gareth Leung

Queen Elizabeth Scholars in Strengthening Health Systems (2018)

Gareth is a fourth year Bachelors of Health Sciences student at McMaster University. As a Community Food Advisor for Durham Public Health, he educates the public about healthy eating, food safety, and food-borne illnesses. Through his research with the Canadian Study of Determinants of Endometabolic Health in Children Study at the McMaster Children’s Hospital and the Red Meat Systematic Review with the Health Research Methodology Program at McMaster University, Gareth has gained a keen interest in current nutritional research. After realizing a need for healthier foods on campus, Gareth founded the McMaster Nutrition Club that has presented healthy eating workshops in Toronto and Hamilton. Moreover, Gareth is an enthusiastic Teaching Assistant for the Department of Anatomy and has a passion to inspire students to improve their learning and academic potential. 

As an outgoing Queen Elizabeth Scholar, Gareth will be travelling to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad and Tobago. He is excited to be part of the team developing a Regional Food Safety Policy and a Food and Nutrition Surveillance Bulletin Report to improve population health. In collaboration with the Information Technology, Health Information, Communicable Disease and Emergency Response Units, Gareth will analyze the best available research evidence to inform clinical practice to address food safety concerns. He aspires to utilize this experience to learn more about the impact of health policy on improving the health of individuals, globally.

Contact information

McMaster Health Forum’s Impact Lab
1280 Main St West, CRL-209
Hamilton, ON Canada L8S 4K1