Fanny Cheng

Queen Elizabeth Scholars in Strengthening Health Systems (2018) and Fellow

Fanny is an undergraduate student in the Bachelor of Health Sciences program, specializing in Global Health. As the 2017-2018 Forum Fellow, Fanny has worked with the McMaster Health Forum on a number of health systems and social systems issues, including person-centred care, cannabis decriminalization, and mental health and addictions. Through her experience at the Forum, she developed knowledge translation and evidence synthesis skills, as well as a non-quixotic understanding of the barriers to evidence-informed practices.

As an outgoing Queen Elizabeth Scholar, Fanny is travelling to Sydney, Australia to intern with the New South Wales Ministry of Health. She will be working with the Population Health Training unit within the Centre for Epidemiology & Evidence. Her projects will include the development of scale-up implementation and assessment tools and the creation of resources for program evaluations. From this internship, she hopes to gain insights on where, how and why Ontario and New South Wales differ in how they address similar health systems issues. She is also looking forward to seeing kangaroos and learning how to surf.

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BHSc Student

Forum Fellow

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