Cara Evans

PhD candidate
Cara Evans is a doctoral candidate in Health Policy, supervised by Dr. John Lavis. Cara completed her Master's of Science in Occupational Therapy at the University of Toronto (2015). She is interested in mental health policy and its implications for frontline practice and for service user experiences. Her thesis research focuses on stakeholder conceptualizations of quality in mental health care for people with complex health and social needs. Part of her thesis work was supported by a Fulbright scholarship and carried out in collaboration with the National Centre for Complex Health and Social Needs in Camden, New Jersey; she has also received Ontario Graduate Scholarships. In addition to her academic work, Cara continues to practice as an occupational therapist in the field of mental health.

Contact information

McMaster Health Forum’s Impact Lab
1280 Main St West, CRL-209
Hamilton, ON Canada  L8S 4K1