Vidhi Bhatt

GSO awardee in Developing Skilled Future Leaders in Strengthening Health and Social Systems (2023)

Vidhi, an undergraduate student in the Honours Integrated Science program at McMaster University. She is a research assistant in The Sloboda Lab, where she focuses on investigating the early life origins of health and disease. Specifically, she is studying the effects of maternal obesity on maternal immune cell populations during pregnancy. She has also worked within the School of Rehabilitation Science, where she investigated the influence of environmental and other social determinants on mobility in geriatric patients. Vidhi is actively engaged within the McMaster Community, including serving as the President of HOSA McMaster, an organization devoted to enhancing the quality of health education, McMaster Residence Life Community Advisor, and chaired a seven-day Integrated Science academic conference.

As a Global Skills Opportunity (GSO) awardee, Vidhi will attend the George Institute for Global Health in India. Through this opportunity, she aims to gain a deeper understanding of global perspectives and cultivate essential cross-cultural communication skills. During her time at the institute, she will engage in projects integrating research with policy-making decisions and strategies, collaborating with community partners and grassroots organizations. Vidhi envisions applying the valuable skill sets she acquires through this experience to her future career as a physician, aiming to improve healthcare practices on a global scale.

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