Twice-monthly spotlights to highlight best new evidence about the COVID-19 response

As decision-makers across Canada and around the world continue to seek out the best-available, synthesized research evidence to inform their pandemic-response efforts, helping them efficiently focus on only the highest quality and most up-to-date evidence syntheses is important. To help address this need, the COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-making (COVID-END) has recently launched two spotlights, both of which organize newly published evidence syntheses and updates to living evidence syntheses according to the public-health measures, clinical-management options, health-system arrangements, and economic and social responses they address.

The Canadian spotlight draws on the work of the 40+ evidence-synthesis teams contributing to COVID-END in Canada, and profiles new syntheses prepared or living syntheses updated in response to requests from Canadian decision-makers. The global spotlight draws on the COVID-END inventory of best evidence syntheses, and profiles newly added syntheses and newly updated living syntheses from across the globe.

Individuals interested in automatically receiving these spotlights twice a month, as well as documents from the monthly horizon scans, can sign up to receive them.

>> Canadian evidence spotlight (including global evidence spotlight and Canadian horizon scanning)

>> Global evidence spotlight (including global horizon scanning)